What it is Like Working in a Classified Environment

NORHTROP GRUMMAN | LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Working in a classified environment can be both rewarding and frustrating at the same time.  You often get to work with some of the coolest technology but can't tell anyone about it - not even your family.  This sometimes also makes

What it is Like Working in a Classified Environment

NORHTROP GRUMMAN | LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA Working in a classified environment can be both rewarding and frustrating at the same time.  You often get to work with some of the coolest technology but can't tell anyone about it - not even your family.  This sometimes also makes


Working in a classified environment can be both rewarding and frustrating at the same time.  You often get to work with some of the coolest technology but can't tell anyone about it - not even your family.  This sometimes also makes it challenging to connect with people because a lot of what you spend most of your day working on, you can't talk about.

Take a rare and unique glimpse into the culture, experiences and sacrifices of Northrop Grumman's unsung heroes - its employees who have secret and top secre...


I started at Northrop Grumman in 2013 as a Project Engineer and have since then got to see a lot of different aspects of the business as I have transitioned to a Project Manager.  Since I have my FAA sUAS Part 107 license, one of the "side jobs" that I have at work is flying the drones for various tests as well as for filming purposes.  This also means coordinating our FAA air space authorizations, since a lot of our sites are on or in the vicinity of airports.  This past year I got the opportunity to work on the film above showcasing a few of our employees and what it is like to work in a classified environment.  Ironically, it is one of the few pieces that I have got to work on that can actually be shown to my friends and family.  This film had me flying drones from the beaches in Melbourne, FL to the surf of El Porto, CA to the high desert of Palmdale, CA and Apple Valley, CA.  I hope that as more of the films that we create get cleared for external release, I can show more of what I get to do at work.  In the meantime, here are a couple pictures from the wrap of our filming.


Manhattan Beach Pier Sunset


Photographing a Rocket Launch at Cape Canaveral